Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Best 5K Ever

was NOT today! I blame it on....

1.  The weather: who runs in 60 degrees? sunny, no wind, not a cloud in the sky?
2.  My shoes: there has to be something better than a Nike!
3.  The iPod: maybe Coldplay instead of Tom Petty would have helped.
4.  The route: I didn't see anyone else using the course I had selected.
5.  The time of day: no reason, just thought I'd throw this in!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It was a Nightmare on 13!

I've avoided haunted house for most of my adult life
having been to 'Night of the Living Dead" I remember why,
they scare me to death! Am I a baby or what?
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Africa Is Life Changing

I am very excited to be selected to be one of about 25 volunteers who will be traveling to Naivasha, Kenya early next year with Africa Is Life Changing, Inc. a humanitarian, non-profit organization whose on-going mission is to nurture the value of women and children. I have been assigned to the work with a team of medical volunteers to provide training in various areas including reproductive health, disease prevention, including HIV/AIDS and health screenings for women and disease prevention and general wellness children.

Since my passport is up to date and my travel vaccines are current, I will be spending the next several months concentrating on increasing my knowledge of Kenya, for sure I want to know more about how the country was settled by the British and how their independence came about.  I am anxious to study an atlas and see how the country is layed out, where the mountains begin and where the rivers flow.  I doubt I will be able to learn any one of the 40+ languages spoken in Kenya but I will be able to learn more about the Masai tribe who live in this part of the country and the Kikuyu tribe which occasionally occupy the area.

But more than anything else, I will be counting down the days until I am in Africa!