Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thanksgiving (in no particular order)

-A daughter (and son-in-law) willing to open their
hearts and home to my son.

- A very significant other who brightens my
day with laughter and love.

- Great friends willing to spend their morning
cooking a yummy meal.

- Loving parents and siblings who suppport me
with phone messages or in person.


- The freedom to make any decision I choose, while
realizing my full potential in this life.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

I was leaving the house last weekend as Nicolas was returning home from 'drills' and what my eyes fell upon was a very impressive man dressed in his ACU's.  As he stood before me in his full military uniform I realized just how proud I was of the decision my son has made to do something of great worth in his life by serving in the Army Reserves.

Nicolas has opened my eyes to many unique experiences thus far, I knew nothing about dinosaurs before he came along, and nothing about scouts, ballroom dance, or Veteran's Day, and although Nicolas says Novemebr 11th is not about him per se (his comment is "I am not a Veteran'), I still became very emotional this year as I celebrated this day with more memorial than every before. I will savor these six years of reserve duty he is completing and look forward to a lifetime of Veteran's Day to remind me of the sacrifice made by my son and thousands of others on my behalf.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Date Night

I thought the first snow storm of the winter season would make for a good excuse to stay indoors and keep warm but one great guy decided that Friday night should be date night and off we went to enjoy an evening together.

We made the obvious choice for our 'dinner and a movie' an headed to the Gateway Mall where some of the finest restaurants in the city can be found.  Once we were safely parked in covered parking, we made our way to Z Trejas, who can go wrong with southwest cuisine?  After yummy enchiladas we headed to the theatre to watch Tower Heist, the movie my date had suggested.

The movie was a great choice but I left the theatre fearing the drive home on snowpacked roads.......... SURPRISE! the streets were blanketed with a thick layer of rain and as we headed home I realized that the best cure for the winter blues is getting out of the house and going on a date!