Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alpine Gold

My perfect day was a drive through the Alpine Loop in a sexy Mustang convertible (top down of course). 

It was a slow drive, with a picnic lunch and a stroll around Cascade Springs, with lots of stops to take photos for other people out enjoying the scenery.

It was the kind of day where time pauses just long enough for you to take a breath and whisper, 'Wow, this is amazing!' and if you aren't careful, you just might miss it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It is all about friends!

I want to give a big shout out to some wonderful women who spent the evening with me watching the Grey's Anatomy season premiere. We solved the worlds problems, promised to exercise more and compared husbands/boyfriends, what a great night!

Donnielle: your constant evolution is inspiring and amazing, as I see you re-heighten your goals over and over and over again, I am reminded that striving for excellence is a continuous journey.

Missy: a women not jaded by her surroundings is a rare commodity and your view of the world is refreshing and honest.

Ashelyn: your bravery in the face of adversary is inspiring and I am anxious to be a part of your life in the immediate and distant future.

Lacie: a voice of reason, a shoulder to cry on, an example to live by. Sometimes when I look at you I feel like I am looking into a mirror and seeing the person I want to be when I grow up.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I am not looking forward to Fall!

I'm not a big fan of the dark, cool mornings or the long shadows that smother every horizontal surface known to man this time of year. I am not a big fan of goosebumps at breakfast and flip flops at lunch, and I am not a big fan of soup in a soup bowl or any other container for that matter. I do not think brown leaves (or lawns, or shrubs) or bare trees are particularly attractive. I don't like mums. In fact, I'm not a big fan of fall at all.

My favorite season is far from fall, it is spring. I love watching the world emerge as the thick coat of winter slowly recedes to reveal promises anew. The crocus are the first to appear, pushing their little heads through sleet and snow to remind us that soon everywhere we look we will see flowers in bloom. Spring is a good time to ski with a vest and light jacket rather then a thick winter parka. You can exercise outside anytime you want in the spring and not worry about being too hot or too cold. And exercising in the spring is so much funner than exercising in the fall.

I know the next season of my life will be rich in many ways, and I am looking forward to welcoming a new baby into the family, improving personal relationships, celebrating significant holidays, and taking a vacation. But I am not looking forward to Fall!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Parents Rock

You know how when you were a little kid, your parents tried to make you walk until your
legs were about to fall off in hopes of getting you to go to bed early......

I think my parents want me to go to bed early

because the last two days have been one nonstop journey to see,
do, and experience all that Minnesota has to offer, and I am tired.

The two of them taking a minute to impart some parental wisdom "THINK HAPPY"

Showing off on our way to the Pirate exhibit.

My Dad said, "Jude, come over here, I want to show your something" then sat down at this
Museum of Science display so my Mother could look into his irises. It is nice to see
the two of them so aware of the other.

My Mothers happy face just prior to riding what I believe is to be the only amusement park ride I have
ever seen her on, the ROLLER COASTER at Mall of America.

NOTE TO SOCIETY: I know I am single, and yes,
if I could form a party of two, I definitely would!