On New Years Day 2012 Tracy and I made resolutions to work less, date more, and see Europe. Our plan was to book a vacation together and cross our finger for ourselves and each other that when the time came, either one of us would be in a relationship and the vacation would go to whomever had a significant other. It was our way of telling the world that being single did not mean staying home, and a I have a very short list of friends with the resources and time to travel internationally, Tracy seemed like the perfect choice.
New Zealand was our top pick but neither one of us could get the time of to commit to a 24 hour flight so in March I listen as Tracy told me why he wanted to see Rome, Athens, and Istanbul then placed a down payment to hold our spot on a ten day adventure. Every couple of weeks I have text Tracy, or he has called me to ask whether or not we were being 'bumped' from the vacation, and as the departure in now just two week away, it would appear as if we both are headed to Europe, together.
In hindsight I do not think that planning a vacation to a countries where I do not speak the language was such a good idea. And planning a vacation to a country in it's second year of austerity also probably wasn't a good idea, and most recently planning a vacation to a county which is taking enemy fire from it's neighbors to the west......not a good idea.
Life lesson #603 Sorry Tracy but next time I am booking the vacation. Someplace safe, like Kansas :-)
Chichen Itza, Mexico 2011 |