Just for fun I like to take large pieces of fabric, cut them into smaller pieces, rearrange them, then sew them back together.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
100 holes
As I am writing this I am reminded of the day Jim called me a work to ask, "what size pants do you wear?“ my immediate thought was that we ran out of milk and Costco had a killer deal on clothing, and you know what?, the plum capries waiting for me when I got home proved my theory to be correct.
Several weeks ago Jim came home with two bags of tulip bulbs he bought because we were out of pineapple and because they were purple (the tulips) we decided to place them in the basement until the weather cooled enough to plant, which turned out to be today.
After trimming the shrubs and cleaning the flower beds we began digging holes. I had a garden trowel and tulip planter but quickly realized that with small tools this would be no simple task. Jim wanted no part of the garden trowel and retrieve a big boy shovel from the garage. Soon we had as system down where he would pierce the soil and open a small crevice where I would put the bulb in, then he replace the dirt.
After a few minutes of aggressively planting, Jim paused to ask me how many bulbs needed planting, I told him that each bag of bulbs contained 2 smaller bags of 25 bulbs each, so in total he bought a total of 100 bulbs so we would need to dig 100 holes!
I'm pretty sure this was the first time I had planted bulbs and I am really glad Jim did not buy three bags of bulbs. I'm already excited for spring and for the opportunity of seeing our hard work translated into a carpet of purple tulips.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Are you interested in golfing Saturday?
It wasn't until I was about an hour into getting my trash kicked in ping pong that I learned that Jim was the champion of his school while in the sixth grade, and has owned a ping pong table most of his life. He plays racquetball three mornings a week so you can imagine the damage he did to me the morning we went down to the park to play tennis. He hardly broke a sweat the last time we decided to run a timed 5K, while I was panting like a dog, then today he tells me that there will be a group of Gillman's golfing at the family reunion this weekend and asks me if I am interested in going, my response was not only NO, it was HECK NO!
Marrying an athletic man has really illuminated just how poor I am in this area, something I really did not expect to find out about myself, and I know it is not a competition, but how can it not be? I am me.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Paint by Number
After looking at the samples for a few days, I have definitely come up with a favorite, and then I had a thought, "what is the perfect color ISN'T among the four samples I have chosen?" I need to find a color that will work well with the existing kitchen walls, in fact, I need a color that will actually compliment the existing walls, what if I haven't given myself the right colors to choose from?
Then somewhere in my search for the perfect red I remembered that my Math Professor told me that calculus is used in every day life and I remembered that each color had its hex code based on the amount of primary red/green/blue it contains. In order to find the perfect kitchen red, I would need to find the hex code of the existing walls (Sand Trap 187/167/149), run those values though a color wheel program and mathematically determine what color would analogically accented.
The results? Sherwin Williams 7585, Sundried Tomatoes, which isn't even close to the four samples I started with!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sunday Breakfast
Last last night I found out Mike and Lacie (and baby Lillie) were planning on dropping by this morning......I decided to break out the waffle maker and extended a last minute invitation to Nicolas and Ashelyn (and baby Addy).
What resulted was a home full of family, a kitchen full of food and some great Sunday memories. Pictured below are some of my favorite people.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Forty Weeks
Fast forward seven days and today I got my camera out (again) to record the very last days she would spend without a child (again). As Lacie and I were running errands I asked her if it bothered her that people look at her and mentally think, 'Wow, that lady looks like she is going to pop!' Lacie said no, not really, but if she had it to do over again she would have worn a shirt that says, 'induction scheduled.' This is what amazing looks like at 40 weeks.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Murdock Canal bike ride
Today we decided expand our view by breaking out the bicycles and riding south. The trail if relatively flat (it is built above the canal) and meanders through some very pristine land on the east bench of Utah County. I am not exaggerating when I say that the ride was amazing! The view was outstanding! And the company superb! I hope to spend many more mornings on this trail.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Mexican Cemetery at Xcaret
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wedding photos preview
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Grabbing the brass ring
Fortunately, our first choice was available (after all who gets married at 7pm?) and with a date finalized, we set out to find a wedding dinner venue, schedule a wedding photographer, have wedding invitations printed (are they really suppose to me mailed out 6 weeks prior?, take an engagement photo (for the announcement), etc.
If putting a wedding together in three weeks wasn't work enough, my company transferred me to a store in Utah County which was to begin June 9th. As the department manager my first task is to be ready for an inventory that is schedule two days prior to the wedding. In order to understand what product I would be accounting for, I spent the first several days moving archived files to long term storage and throwing out the out of date items, now I can get a clear view of the merchandise. It seriously took me three full days to find the results of last quarters inventory and in the two shifts remaining until inventory I will attempt to be ready for this count. Inventory day is also the day I have my final wedding dress fitting and the movers will move me to my new home.
Moving! Man this is a lot of work. Today I am either feeling my age or the effects of the three days I spent cleaning at work. I just finished packing up the kitchen with commits me to fast food for the next nine days, but the upside is that I won't have to worry about washing dishes. The rest of the weeks schedule is so tight that I truly just have today to get the house packed, move stuff to storage, and to the DI, and get packed for the honeymoon, and in all this flurry of activity I keep reminding myself that this is the best part of the ride. All I really need to do now is reach out a little bit and grab onto that brass ring. There isn't any other place I would rather be right now.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Cable woes, et al
The worst phone call by far was the one to Comcast. To begin with, even when successfully navigating the phone tree, it is difficult to get someone on the phone to take this request. When I finally was able to tell Shaniqua that I wanted my service disconnected her response was, "If you don't mind me asking, why would you want your service shut off?" I told her I was moving and her response was, "won't you need the service in your new place?" to which I firmly stated, "I'm moving out of the area" to which she replied, "to somewhere without cable????" When I said yes, she asked, "do you know of anyone who will be living at unit #312 who will want this service?" No, No, No, please just turn it off. And yes, you can email me a copy of my final bill and no, I am not providing you my new address.
Ok, one down. Next Questar, then Rocky Mountain Power, the post office and my church. On June fifth I informed my landlord that I would not be renewing my lease which is due to expired on July 31st. I explained to him that I would be out sometime early July and suggested he begin showing the unit as quickly as possible to secure new renters. I received from him a stern email reminding me that July's rent was due in full July first regardless of the day I choose to move out and that although I paid first and last months rent upon moving in and a $1250.00 security deposit I was in no way allowed to use any of those monies for the rent in July. All of which I was already aware of, I too have a copy of the contract.
I wonder if it occurred to my landlord that I could have paid July's rent as planned, moved out when convenient, allowed the contract to expire and let him find out for himself the unit was vacant sometime after August 5th when the new rent became past due. And here I was just trying to be nice.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Welcome to Happy Valley!
Right now I'm not sure what to make of the 40 minute commute to work but luckily that will change in a few short weeks and my migration to Happy Valley will be complete. So here's to my transfer, yippee!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Engagement Photos
A night of Thriller at Kingsbury Hall |
Awaiting a helicopter ride at the Grand Canyon |
On our way to a Christmas concert at the conference center in Salt Lake |
The Roof at the Joseph Smith Building January 26, 2013 |
Friday, May 31, 2013
Door Code #5412
Jim bought tickets to Mary Poppins at the Tuachan so our mini vacation is in Saint George this weekend. We are spending the afternoon at the temple, then onto dinner and a movie. Tomorrow we are biking through Zions Canyon, swimming and going to the play and Sunday we are at odds as to if we will be planning something for the morning hours or just heading home for some much needed rest.
The gem I've discovered thus far is the quilt store located next to our hotel. Jim's back at the room changing his clothes so I'm sure I don't have time to fully investigate the store at this time, but I can guarantee that I will find time in the next two days to do some shopping. BTW: I'm giving that fiancee of mine two bonus points for his choice of hotels especially considering the proximity of the quilt store.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
A Soldiers Homecoming
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
How To: Play Station 2
1. Turn off TV and PS2 (switch on back)
2. Make sure plus are in right spot!
3. Turn on TV FIRST! Then PS2
4. Flip though 'input's till yo find a different screen!
5. Use the 'X' Burton as an enter, select, or play button. Use (diagram of star shaped buttons) as arrows
*parental pass code* 0000 I dunno why I have that!
Get popcorn, flipz, blanket and enjoy!
I don't remember when watching TV became do complicated, I think I was having problems watching a movie on DVD (I don't have a DVD player), so Nicolas was tutoring me though the process. Since that play station 2 lesson I have learned how to watch Netflix on playstation and I learned how to hook my laptop to the television to watch internet content on the big screen.
Thank you soon son for the comprehensive tutorial, having you is like having tech support on speed dial.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
An empty nest
In 'The Poisonwood Bible' the author notes that 'a Mother will always mother their youngest child' which may be why a part of me wants to resist my son moving out. A far more acceptable reason is that I know that my ability to mother Nicolas ended about the same time Nicolas realized his Mother needed mothering. It will be hard for me to live in that world where my son isn't constantly worrying about his mother.
Yet, Ashelyn has proved to be a wonderful companion to my son, and tonight as she began moving the boxes to the truck I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of her. And as I thought of my son returning from a year long military deployment to a home that Ashelyn has so carefully prepared, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Nicolas, as well.
An empty nest might refer to the bedroom your child leaves behind, but it in no way describes how your heart feels when you see your child step into their new and wonderful life. Somewhere admits all these tears I am happy for the two (three) of them. Ashelyn needs the support of her husband and Addalyn needs her father at home.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Your grandmothers bed
So the solid oak bedroom set I own was manufactured by Lexington Furniture Company and was called Victorian Mansion, at the time I did not have the money for the complete set and over the last 20+ years I have used several rod iron or brass beds to complete the room. With the advent of the internet I have tried to find the matching bed but have mostly found pieces here and there across the country with no one interested in shipping the furniture to Utah, and how cost effective is a drive to Wisconsin anyways?
Earlier this week I found an ebay listing too good to be true, a reasonably priced queen size bed, owned by a firm willing to crate and ship the product. And then my anxiety kicked in. What if Jim didn't want to sleep in a victorian mansion? Maybe my furniture was going in the basement, and what is wrong with the current metal bed frame I am using?
I called Jim to ask him what the money threshold was for individual purchases without first consulting a spouse and he assured me that so long as I kept my purchases below $10,000.00 I was free to purchase whatever I felt was necessary, WHEW! what a relief that was, the bed would certain stay below my spending limit :-) and then Jim talked about how the furniture would be distributed when I moved in and set my mind at ease about me making this purchase. Then I hung up the phone, went online and hit BUY. And with a click of a button I made our first purchase as a couple. I love ebay, and I love you Jim.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Finally, antique season
I welcome spring in the chance it gives me to evaluate the clutter I've accumulated throughout winter and to let go of those material possessions I felt I just 'had to have' just a few months ago.
Of course with spring comes the chance to head out to all my favorite shoppes in hopes of finding a special treasure to make a part of my life. Today I made a stop at Eurotreasures, a place that will become a second home as I make my new residence in Cedar Hills.
Monday, March 4, 2013
A sneak peek
Friday, March 1, 2013
What not to wear on your wedding day
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Meeting Grandma with Gillman
I immediately knew that I wanted my new family to meet my other new family and in stealth I arranged to have a girls day road trip with Ashelyn and Baby A, so the two could meet the other two of them. Without the help of GPS (no small feat) I drove straight to the Gillman Manor and watched as the two new great grandparents gave hugs and love to their new great grand daughter. I also got to see Ashelyn receive a beautiful handmade quilt from an extraordinary woman who's life, our lives have recently intersected.
I marvel at the quality of women in my life and treasure the opportunity I have to be in their company. Thank you Grandma Gillman for providing the catalyst that put us together this day.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A poem to start my day
Thursday, January 31, 2013
The left hand ring
When Jim proposed marriage, I wasn't too keen on the idea of wearing the ring prior to the ceremony, my reasoning being that Jim would not be wearing his...but Jim is a traditional sort of gentleman and assured me that while he would wait, I should not! I am glad I decided to start wearing this ring now, because when I look down I am reminded that someone very amazing loves me enough to spend the rest of their life with me.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
My Happiness
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
My Part-time Job
It has been decades ago since I was asked to babysit, I'm pretty sure it was the 70'a when the going rate was a dollar an hour (not per child, just per hour). Some of the families I babysat for would pay me a little extra to straighten the house, or clean the kitchen, although I quickly learned that in most cases if housekeeping was mentioned, the house was probably filthy beyond acceptable health standards.
I was thrilled and somewhat nervous when Ashelyn asked if I would be willing to babysit grandbaby Addalyn for a few hours each week as she embarks on her new adventure. Ashelyn takes care of her daughter with such a patient and kind touch that I was worried that if Addalyn became agitated I would not be able to soothe.
With the first hour gone, Addalyn asleep on the floor in front of the fire and me reading in my comfy chair, it looks like I have this babysitting thing all figured out.