There is something very promising in the longer days of spring, and the reawakening of nature in our gardens.
I welcome spring in the chance it gives me to evaluate the clutter I've accumulated throughout winter and to let go of those material possessions I felt I just 'had to have' just a few months ago.
Of course with spring comes the chance to head out to all my favorite shoppes in hopes of finding a special treasure to make a part of my life. Today I made a stop at Eurotreasures, a place that will become a second home as I make my new residence in Cedar Hills.
I welcome spring in the chance it gives me to evaluate the clutter I've accumulated throughout winter and to let go of those material possessions I felt I just 'had to have' just a few months ago.
Of course with spring comes the chance to head out to all my favorite shoppes in hopes of finding a special treasure to make a part of my life. Today I made a stop at Eurotreasures, a place that will become a second home as I make my new residence in Cedar Hills.