It became Nicolas' first time off base dressed in his uniform and even though we were in a military town, there were surprisingly few soldiers in sight. We found a PF Chang's and part way through the meal Nicolas was approached by restaurant patron. The woman leaned in close enough to Nicolas to whisper in his ear. I heard Nicolas say, "no Madam, that is not necessary" however, she continued speaking to him until he began to weep. The conversation become solemn as she spoke and he cried. When finished, she left a payment for Nicolas meal was quickly gone.
Still weeping, Nicolas pulled a notebook out of his pocket and began to record the events, both her words and those feelings he experienced. Once the event was set in ink, he looked up and sad, "she wanted to thank me for the service I do for my country, which is why I do this for my country."
I love your family. You have an amazing son and daughter, but you already know that. :)