Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Picasa for SENIORS

Earlier this year I logged into my blog and found my images missing?!?! What the heck?

I was running the photo program that came with my computer to edit, store, and upload images but something I did with my photo files deleted by uploaded files, and my profile photo was missing in Facebook as well! When I started asking around I found out that if I used Picasa these problems would be eliminated and I would be able to add slide shows to the blog as well. I was convinced!

Well after maintaining a blog for nine months and using Picasa for five I ended up with an unbelievable amount photo files (mostly containing 1 image each), I realized I needed to learn a little bit more about how Picasa manages my photo files within their program, how photo changes affect my stored photos and how the 'cloud' photo storage program works.

Enter the library, why pay for a book?

The only help guide available was 'Picasa for SENIORS" What an insult! Does the author really believe that the comprehension of this program is age related? Like if you are young you understand the program and do not need a manual, but if you are a SENIOR you do not understand the program, hence the manual? You know there is a third option. there's me!

I want to read the manual, try some of the techniques and bookmark the place in the book, then set the book aside.  A few days later I want to go back to the manual to review what I have learned or to read ahead and learn a new trick or tip.  I want to work ahead at my own pace and look backwards when something doesn't work right.

I need a manual for Picasa because I want to understand how the program works, and not because I am a SENIOR!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Jillian's Wedding

It is said that the 'weddings and funerals' in our life brings us together as a family, well I am blessed to live close enough to my children that I can see them in the good times and in times of sorrow and in many times in between! Nonetheless, at the wedding of Troy and Jillian Brereton I took the opportunity to have this
picture taken - It is my hope that in this photograph we may look back on this moment and recall a time when all was good in our family.  Children, life doesn't get much better than this. --Mom

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Zebra Chic

Happy Bridal Shower Jillian!

In prelude to Jillian's wedding on Monday, Lacie hosted a bridal shower and scrapbook party for the women of the groom and brides families.

The shower was held in a centrally located condo clubhouse in Salt Lake. The dining tables set in black, white, and fuchsia, with dinner and silverware to accommodate the luncheon of croissants and salad. Photographs of Jillian were centered at each table.

Guests spent time scrapbooking recipes and marriage advice for the newlyweds to be included in a memory album Lacie is assembling.
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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Camp Frost

I spent Labor Day weekend in a cabin overlooking Bear Lake.

It was the first time I have been to Lava Hot Springs, went tubing (Bear River), or mountain biked. 


But the best part of the weekend was enjoying the company of some really great friends!