Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Are you interested in golfing Saturday?

I am beginning to learn that having a new man in my life involves a reexamination of my skill set. I've learned that in some activities a particular level of mastery is not important, say throwing a load of whites in the washer or picking up a gallon of milk on the way home, for instances, these things are easily accomplished regardless of the aptitude of either person.  It makes no difference whether Jim or I unload the dishes, make the bed, or pick up the living room, the result is the same.

In some things I rock....the wreath I made for the front door is amazing, and it was my idea to take sterno and marshmallows for a s'mores dessert at Friday nights reunion dinner.  I came up with a real neat wall arrangement for some family photographs and artwork, but when it comes to coordinated physical activity (sports) I really suck! And Jim is really quite good.

It wasn't until I was about an hour into getting my trash kicked in ping pong that I learned that Jim was the champion of his school while in the sixth grade, and has owned a ping pong table most of his life.  He plays racquetball three mornings a week so you can imagine the damage he did to me the morning we went down to the park to play tennis.  He hardly broke a sweat the last time we decided to run a timed 5K, while I was panting like a dog, then today he tells me that there will be a group of Gillman's golfing at the family reunion this weekend and asks me if I am interested in going, my response was not only NO, it was HECK NO!

Marrying an athletic man has really illuminated just how poor I am in this area, something I really did not expect to find out about myself, and I know it is not a competition, but how can it not be? I am me.

1 comment:

  1. I've had just the opposite realization. I have a learned that I have always taken my athleticism for granted and am now aware that not everyone has such abilities and its beyond "learning" them.
